
March 19, 2024

Check Fraud, Risk, and Risk Mitigation

Webinar, NCP Prep

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm CT
8:00 am - 9:30 am HST

This session will provide an overview of payments fraud reviewing types of fraud and ideas for identifying and
potentially preventing them. Also included is an overview of the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council
(FFIEC) guidance for financial institution examiners including specific guidance on risk management. Finally, a
review of the four main areas of focus for Business Continuity Management will be included in the discussion.

This session is ideal for NCP candidates, Operations & Management, Compliance Officers.

$175 Member/$350 Non-Member

This webinar is not included in the Educational Package Plan.

1.8 NCP, AAP, & APRP Credits | CTP Credits May Apply


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